
Maitland Massage Therapy is now up and running, in according with the regulations set out by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario.

Please remember to bring your mask to your appointment, arrive just before your appointment (or wait in your car, if you have one, until just before your appointment) and hand sanitize or hand wash upon arrival. You will have your final screening for COVID-19 (usually this is a quick process). Due to the increased disinfection regime, time between appointments is longer, so we cannot accommodate as many appointments per day or per week.

For contactless payment, we now accept etransfers.

We look forward to seeing you soon, but if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 (such as a new cough, fever, runny nose or eye), we kindly ask that you reschedule your appointment so as not to put others at risk. Thank you for everyone’s warm thoughts, patience, and understanding!


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